“Software for Co-Creation and Collaborative Web Places”


Ruebisbachstrasse 76
8302 Kloten
Telefon: 044 814 06 63
  • MO - FR: 06:00 - 18:00 Uhr
  • SA: 08:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Eintrag erstellt: 28 12 2002
Letzte Änderung: 25 08 2003
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Ruebisbachstrasse 76
8302 Kloten



metalayer is a Swiss based Software Company, building Co-Creation and Collaboration platforms for the Knowledge Economy. The metalayer platform connects globally networked communities and workplaces and enables Employees to share, co-create, collaborate and co- learn in real time and asynchronous enviornments. It enables Enterprises to harness the power of connected human minds by enabling enterprise-wide capturing, transferring and creation of new Knowledge throughout the global network of stakeholders.
Für unsere Kunden sind wir einzigartig, weil -Over 500 years ago, Gutenberg created the movable type - now, metalayer is creating a platform for movable ideas ...
Gründungsjahr: 2000
Rechtsform: Aktiengesellschaft (AG)
Anzahl Mitarbeiter: 50
Umsatz: -
MwSt-Nummer: -
Handelsregister-Nummer: -
Sprachen: English
Zielmärkte: USA/Kanada

Unsere wichtigsten Marktleistungen

  • Metalayer Platform 1.0
    The metalayer 1.0 platform provides a virtual space to create, capture, share and co-create knowledge. This platform allows people to converse in a very human way and to freely exchange information & ideas within the extended enterprise, collaboratively. metalayer 1.0 has features like the WYSIWYG shuttle (What You See Is What You Get), the Times Page, the Intangible Asset Monitor, the MOB (metalayer object builder) & many more. metalayer 1.0 integrates technologies like VOIP, Global 2 way SMS etc. and provides simple interfaces to connect to third party systems.
  • Comty
    metalayer Comty provides highly interactive spaces for groups of people to co-create knowledge and collaborate on common tasks. A comty (small community) is a free space for a group of people for contextualized discussions and work – the Times Page provides a personalized update and enables you to keep track of important interactions. All metalayer collaboration Objects are available on the spaces. Comty facilitates many-to-many communication, unlike one-to-one or one-to-few (in some cases) communication through eMails.
  • Cyte
    metalayer Cyte is a product to co-create highly interactive web sites – allowing any visitor to “click-and-write” anywhere on the website and talk in context: both real-time and asynchronously. metalayer Cyte is enhanced by collaboration objects, like a Virtual Reception and by site creation tools.
  • Karma
    metalayer Karma is a tool for enterprises and individuals to create and explore networks of people. metalayer Karma allows to create virtual organization charts, to specify and visualize work and expert areas and to create instant teams and work structures. Disparate Stakeholders of a company are structured in the organizational view which helps them locating and communicating instantly with any member within the network. metalayer Karma helps locating the right members for teams, matching expertise and establishing organizational roles for both teams and individuals.

Unsere Kernkompetenzen

  • Innovationskraft in der Entwicklung neuer Lösungen und Produkte
  • Intensive Beziehungen zu treuen Kunden
  • Kreativität in der Problemlösung

Unsere Branchen

Noch keine Branchen


Noch keine Mitgliedschaften


Noch keine Zertifikate

Mehr über uns

Noch keine Informationen

Unsere wichtigsten Kundengruppen

  • Eli Lilly
    metalayer is running the portal Reopean.com for the last 3 years for Critical Care, Eli Lilly Europe unit. metalayer's functional integration and personalization capabilities had prompted Lilly to select the metalayer platform to create and power Reopean.com ,an intra and extra Enterprise Collaboration Platform.In March 2003 Lilly (CCE) introduced Reopean.com portal -a Community Network across their extended Enterprise.In the year 2003 Reopean.com was renamed to Xiprean.com The portal is powered by advanced collaborative features which are very intuitive and simple to use. With features like News, Discussion, Files, Virtual Meeting, Q&A,Questionnaires, Forms, Multimedia and other collaborative portal tools, Critical Care has also managed to save on processing costs, thus achieving efficiency, speed and cost effectiveness at the same time. The portal also provides an effective tool for monitoring the intangible assets.
  • Roche Diagnostics
  • Pfizer NL
  • Alfanet.ch
    alfanet vereint starke lokale Netze und innovative Einzelpraxen zu einer Organisation mit nationaler Bedeutung. - Ein Ärztenetz mit benefit - Synergien nutzen: Sie entlasten Ihr Arbeits- und Zeitbudget! - Know-how-Austausch: Es steigert und festigt Ihre Kompetenz! - Auf einfache und zeitsparende Weise mit Kolleginnen kommunizieren - Community: Gemeinsam besser - besser gemeinsam! - Im Team mit guten Leuten!
  • Schulen St Gallen
  • entovation.net
    Entovation (Enterprise and Innovation, www.entovation.com) is delivering "Knowledge Innnovation" through a global Network of Knowledge Experts. Metalayer runs the co-creation and collaboration space for the network "entovation.net".
  • mednetwork.org
    The collaboration platform for the medical community.

Unsere Referenzkunden

Noch keine Referenzkunden

Unsere Kooperationspartner

Noch keine Kooperationspartner

Unsere Bezahlungsarten

Noch keine Bezahlungsarten

Social Media

Noch keine Social Media-Links


  • Recruitment
    Recruitment Hub
  • Aerztenetz Alfanet
    Comty Hub example -
  • Virtual Enterprise
    ve.metalayer.com is the virtual workplace of metalayer. It is the virtual enterprise where all the employees, partners, advisors, customers & the network of stakeholders interact, co-create & collaborate with each other. This Virtual Enterprise (VE) integrates collaboration community hubs (Comty), interactive communication sites (Cyte) and organisational structures (Karma) into one contextual environment. VE provides a transparent platform for co-creation & communication. Knowledge Workers across the extended enterprise use this space to capture, share, and co-create knowledge within the context, instantly synchronize and generate results.



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Domain Registration

Sichern Sie sich rechtzeitig attraktive Domainnamen!
Möchten Sie zu diesen Themen eine eigene Internetpräsenz aufbauen?
co-creation.app Domain-Registration in der Schweizco-creation.appDomain-Besitzer von co-creation.app1 Jahr für CHF 29.-Domain .app
collaboration.zuerich Domain-Registration in der Schweizcollaboration.zuerichDomain-Besitzer von collaboration.zuerich1 Jahr für CHF 105.-Domain .zuerich
communication.online Domain-Registration in der Schweizcommunication.onlineDomain-Besitzer von communication.online1 Jahr für CHF 60.-Domain .online
community.com Domain-Registration in der Schweizcommunity.comDomain-Besitzer von community.com1 Jahr für CHF 22.-Domain .com
content.ai Domain-Registration in der Schweizcontent.aiDomain-Besitzer von content.ai1 Jahr für CHF 129.-Domain .ai
context.it Domain-Registration in der Schweizcontext.itDomain-Besitzer von context.it1 Jahr für CHF 36.-Domain .it
culture.net Domain-Registration in der Schweizculture.netDomain-Besitzer von culture.net1 Jahr für CHF 24.-Domain .net
elearning.pro Domain-Registration in der Schweizelearning.proDomain-Besitzer von elearning.pro1 Jahr für CHF 32.-Domain .pro
email.de Domain-Registration in der Schweizemail.deDomain-Besitzer von email.de1 Jahr für CHF 12.50Domain .de
finance.world Domain-Registration in der Schweizfinance.worldDomain-Besitzer von finance.world1 Jahr für CHF 55.-Domain .world
innovation.at Domain-Registration in der Schweizinnovation.atDomain-Besitzer von innovation.at1 Jahr für CHF 24.-Domain .at
internet.ag Domain-Registration in der Schweizinternet.agDomain-Besitzer von internet.ag1 Jahr für CHF 130.-Domain .ag
knowledge.tv Domain-Registration in der Schweizknowledge.tvDomain-Besitzer von knowledge.tv1 Jahr für CHF 59.-Domain .tv
pharma.eu Domain-Registration in der Schweizpharma.euDomain-Besitzer von pharma.eu1 Jahr für CHF 28.-Domain .eu
software.swiss Domain-Registration in der Schweizsoftware.swissDomain-Besitzer von software.swiss1 Jahr für CHF 150.-Domain .swiss
synchronize.news Domain-Registration in der Schweizsynchronize.newsDomain-Besitzer von synchronize.news1 Jahr für CHF 48.-Domain .news
transparency.shop Domain-Registration in der Schweiztransparency.shopDomain-Besitzer von transparency.shop1 Jahr für CHF 58.-Domain .shop
trust.gmbh Domain-Registration in der Schweiztrust.gmbhDomain-Besitzer von trust.gmbh1 Jahr für CHF 52.-Domain .gmbh
web.blog Domain-Registration in der Schweizweb.blogDomain-Besitzer von web.blog1 Jahr für CHF 48.-Domain .blog
xml.info Domain-Registration in der Schweizxml.infoDomain-Besitzer von xml.info1 Jahr für CHF 30.-Domain .info

Domain Registration
Domain Registration
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